The great Basecamp exodus

Basecamp lost about 1/3rd of its workforce in a matter of days:

On Friday, it appears a large number of Basecamp employees are taking Hansson up on his offer: according to The Verge contributing editor Casey Newton’s sources, roughly a third of the company’s 57 employees accepted buyouts today. As of Friday afternoon, 18 people had tweeted they were planning to leave.

From what I read, their entire iOS team has walked out of the doors.

The company is in for a terribly rough ride in the near future.

Although they’ll hire people again and things will be back to normal, it’ll take time.

As of this evening, I’ve cancelled my HEY subscription and moved to Google Workspace with a custom domain.

My reason for ditching HEY is not directly related to the policy changes, it’s more of an attitude problem of the founders.

Here’s what I wrote in the exit survey:

After a year of use, HEY was getting frustrating to use every day. The email composer is the worst I've seen in any email client.

The lack of basic formatting support by entering symbols like * for lists, > for quotes adds up in lost time.


The way HEY handled custom domains was not what I expected. You're asking me to ditch my year-long HEY account and open a new one just to use custom domains. Why?

And lastly, with so many people leaving Basecamp I'm not sure if HEY will have frequent updates and bug fixes for at least a few months.

I can't justify paying $99/year for this anymore.